Zac Sutherland
This bro did it all - in true bro fashion - he, like the others on the party, endured pure hardship for 48 hours having a flight cancellation, delayed flight, and missing a connection - BUT finallly arrived in Vegas two days later and was friggin ready to party and chay!!!!! And boy was he money right from the beginning - not just in terms of gambling, but in terms of his actions and chaying ability. And the best part - most bros are so fuckin money and they dont even know it - but big zac was money and he knew it. THose are the real bros... lets start with sunday .... in beer pong.... i carry his butt but he was on the winning team in beer pong.... then its off to the casinos.... and boy did he pillage the casinos. it starts off with ceasars palace.... he takes that casino down... then we head over to bellagio and hes a big winner there too... so what does he do next? he gets a limo and we go to mandalay bay... what happens there? more pillaging.... this guy was just a pirate stealin buried treasure from different islands.... then its on to the second limo where he gets champagne for the team and we go to the stratosphere for some more pillaging. take a listen to this speech that he gives in the limo... what a stud:
That is a money speech!!!! How about Zac's GM abilities wheelin and dealin boobie trading cards!!! Pretty bro!!!!
But straight up, this guy won in the casino, provided everyone with drinks, food, cab rides, chill sessions, and was just chaying all weekend like it was nobody's business.... and above all, wat a great guy and the definite winner of bro of the week... mad props zachary... u deserve it... congrats
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