1) Andrew Morrill - alright let me paint a picture for you. It's friday night, im out chaying with the bros things are going well getting my buzz on having some fun with some hard liquor. THen the liquor gets drank quicker then expected so gotta move on to warm beer from a mini heineken keg.... tastes like urine.... makes me feel queezy... makes everyone feel like bleh.... talk abotu a real buzzkill.... but its time to go out.... im starting to feel like this nite is going to turn into a lame sauce nite cuz the juices arent flowing and im not really feelin like any more drinks.... we head into the cab and andrew just starts goin crazy.... singin loudly to the cab driver... slurring his words... talking about imaginary parties that he never went too.... a pure chay moment... his momentum helped save my buzz and make it to the bar where i was ready to re-chay and get b.o.d. and boy did i ever once we hit the bar.... morrill was still slammin drinks down once we got to the bar and not just straight boring shots... he got shots that had weird names in the title like "secretion" and the infamous "no homo" blue candy drink....so for saving the nite.... morrill you are the bro of the week! Shout outs to the others that partied but it was morrills heroics in the cab on the way that saved the nite!

2) Robert Downey Jr - I dont know who is more bro - Robert Downey Jr or Tony Stark? Robert Downey Jr pounds drinks down like a champ.... but so does Tony Stark! Robert Downey Jr is one rich upper class bro only driving the sexiest cars.... but so does Tony Stark! Robert Downey Jr takes slampieces to pound town whenever the fack he wants... so does Tony Stark! Robert (or should i say "Bro-bert") Downey Jr is the king of being a bad ass... but so is Tony Stark! Iron Man 2 came out and was such an ill movie.... really impressed and really enjoyed it... wish I was as cool as Robert Downey Jr or Tony Stark! Go see this film
3) Jim Cramer - one of the most bro things in life is the stock market... every bro needs to know about the stock market and needs to play it cause it involves mad dollar bills and gambling... such bro things.... jim cramer is a king of the stock market and his episode this week with the stock market glitch proved that.... cramer called out a glitch in the system and potentially made at least one person $500,000 in 5 minutes! He told everyone on his show to purchase 50,000 shares of Proctor and Gamble at $49 when it was going downward... stock went down to $42 and then in minutes shot right back up to $60! THen he acts all bro like nothing happened... just asked that hte person that made the money take him out for dinner at Roots! Such a bro move... check out the vid here!
Honourable Mention - Keith, the semi-bro from craigslist - alright i duno if this guy is a bro or a loser.... this guy makes a post on craigslist to get a female attractive roommate in nyc and all they have to do is pay $300 a month in exchange for walking around in their underwear every so often....seems like a sweet deal when the same type of place goes for more than $2000 in the city...as i read further i began to realize this guy is unbro and cant get any action and is a shmoe but his ad still made me laugh and its a pretty ballzy move on his part... im just wondering how many responses he got.... check out the full craigslist ad here ... ps check out what he says for cats and dogs... mad jokes
Alright - I am just going to throw these two vids in here so I don't got to make two blog posts..... friday nite was pimp... vids to prove it....
Let me set the stage for this video.... about 10-12 drinks in, 6 shots in I decide its time to hit up the basketball game.... im a surrrious balla and i had to show my skillz (yes with a z) to my people.... im surprised i did so well but the important part is the form... look at the beautiful form on my shots as each ball gets drained into the basket... SWISH!
Sloshed cab ride home!
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