Straight up - I am ADDICTED to social media. I LOVE facebook, twitter, myspace, and anything related to social media. I have recently found the newest and biggest thing in the USA called Foursquare.
Foursquare is going to be the new facebook. What you need is a login name, a smartphone (works if you have any cell phone but smartphones are better), and you need to be addicted to social media! What you do is you open the app on your phone and "check-in" to places that you visit.
You also get "badges" for visiting a certain number of places in a day to show you are social. You can also see where your friends are who update their foursquare account. The site allows you to keep stats of where you have been and share it with your friends. It seems really cool - EXCEPT none of my friends have foursquare. I am saying go online to www.foursquare.com and download the app for your phone, add me as a friend and try it out.
One of the things that's cool about Foursquare is that if you and your friends are like "where'd we go last Thursday?" YOu can just go onto your foursquare and be like "oh yea! That was mint!" It can also be linked to your facebook and twitter accounts so you can post updates to these sites.
Check out this article on foursquare from msnbc.com. This is where I found out about the site and really like it!
Let's see if we can get this big because it does seem cool. You can also be rewarded by businesses if you visit a certain place a certain number of times.
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