I have decided that I need to have some weekly segments on this awesome blog to make it even more awesome and consequently, result in a larger fan base. More fans means I feel cooler and when I feel cool, I can fly. When I can fly - its like Kevin Garnett and the NBA - anything is possible!
My first weekly instalment will take place every Sunday or Monday and it is going to be the bro of the week! Anyone that acts extremely bro during the given week is eligible to win this weekly praise! It is probably one of the highest honours in the brommunity and to be nominated for bro of the week is truly a remarkable accomplishment. This week, we have 3 winners of the bro of the week award!

Erick Buhr - definition of a bro who loves to chay: guy is out there lookin for slampieces, getting b.o.d., listening to ill music, saving lives when necessary. Buhr went out of his way to save a bros life this weekend from a fire and even got a fireman to pretend he was Peter Pan when talking to a bro who was passed out in a smoking room. If that's not enough to earn bro of the week, how about his ability to tell bedtime stories! The guy comes into a room and starts going into his English presentation voice on the biblical stories of Samson and David and Goliath... mad effin jokes.... if that's not enough, when the subject changed to life stories he definitely set the standard for jokes story of the week... you have to get him to tell you the story or get him to give me permission to tell the story cuz the witnesses were definitely in tears!
2) Joakim Noah
A bro is someone that is willing to say whatever is on his mind and not giving a fuck about what other people think! Noah definitely knows what to say and when to say it. I mean losing to Cleveland sucks so why not rip into them with your mouth and motivate your team.... seems to have worked as the Bulls won game 3!
3) Nic Cage and the cast of Kick-Ass
Nic Cage (yes he's so bad ass that i have made his name infinite cooler by making it Nic minus the k) is a superhero in real life and this movie helped further prove that. He is the defintion of a bro and the rest of the characters helped make this movie the funniest movie so far in 2010. I wasn't expecting much heading in but have recommended this movie to everyone since seeing it! Man that 13 year old girl is so friggin bro too.... Any kid that curses like that, beats the shit out of bad guys like its her job, and is willing to take three gun shots to a bullet proof vest for a scoop of ice cream is mega bro! Go see this movie and you'll see why the cast has been awarded for bro of the week!
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