ive been workin out my arms really hard and stretchin them out so i can fist pump longer, harder, and faster (and so i dont get guidos elbow).... ive been sittin in the sun to get tanned and look hawt.... ive been buying new clothes left, right, and center so i dont have to go do laundry.... jersey shore comes back tomorrowwwww and boiiiii am i excited!!! cant wait to see the predicaments snooki and friends get themselves into and find out how similar i am to these clowns.... should be good
to be like me or jersey shore people:
you need a poof or a blowout
tons of ed hardy clothes
wear beaters around all day
sunglasses inside
(insert other stereotype here)
anyways im too looking forward to 10pm tomorrow!!! check out my vid (and when i say WE are all going to be watching, i am referring to myself and my ed hardy and gel products as the WE part) and this random audition tape that i foudn too funny
ps - justin bieber rules
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Bro of the Week!
CHICKA CHICKA YEEEEEEE!!!! i love summer... it is so much fun to be outside and enjoying the weather, playing sports, drinkin beers, partying, filming videos, you know... the usual
So in case you havent heard, i applied for this job to go across canada and promote basketball... which would be pretty sick... i had to make this video showing y i loved basketball... if they liked it, theyd call me for an interview.... the video was so BUSINESS! i got a call within like 45 seconds and they told me how much they loved it and wanted me to come in for an interview....obviously i didnt object and went to their office the next day.... did a nice job in the interview and well find out this week.... i want this job a lot but either way, we had so much fun making it... so that being said:
Cameron MacDonald
Jeremy Beggs
Zac Sutherland
Justin Nanu
Kyle WIlliamson Fox
you young studs are the bros of the week this week for all your hard work and helping me get to the second phase of this competitive process... couldntve got here without your help!!! Plus all your cameos were mad jokes and i wanna make more just random vids cuz it was too much fun and i will be calling you for more cameos in the future!
So in case you havent heard, i applied for this job to go across canada and promote basketball... which would be pretty sick... i had to make this video showing y i loved basketball... if they liked it, theyd call me for an interview.... the video was so BUSINESS! i got a call within like 45 seconds and they told me how much they loved it and wanted me to come in for an interview....obviously i didnt object and went to their office the next day.... did a nice job in the interview and well find out this week.... i want this job a lot but either way, we had so much fun making it... so that being said:
Cameron MacDonald
Jeremy Beggs
Zac Sutherland
Justin Nanu
Kyle WIlliamson Fox
you young studs are the bros of the week this week for all your hard work and helping me get to the second phase of this competitive process... couldntve got here without your help!!! Plus all your cameos were mad jokes and i wanna make more just random vids cuz it was too much fun and i will be calling you for more cameos in the future!
Monday, July 19, 2010
My Basketball promo vid!
For those of you that have not seen or heard of it - So Im applying for this basketball job and needed to make a movie about myself and my liking for the game of basketball... take a look and let me know what you think!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Facebook movie
yo the facebook movie is coming out and the trailer looks fucking sickkkkkkk!!! check it out below.... and the remake of the song creep is friggin BUSINESS too!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Bye Bye Hedo!!!
Well, the Hedo Turkoglu experiment definitely failed.... too bad cuz i think he had a bad year... and has a coach that doesnt like to use force.... so hedo chose to party a lot... which is cool... cuz you cant blame him for wanting to party... hes hedo turkoglu.... 55 million dollar man.... hes allowed to party when he wants.... even if he sits out of a game with a stomach virus... he can get out and party that nite... dont blame him tho... at least i dont... party in the desert hedo!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Bro of the WEEK! Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing TubeMan!!!!!!!
This week was a pretty good week- for the most part i took it easy and laid back and was jus chayin out.... but there were definitely nights worth mentioning. Wednesday night was definitely bomb hitting up club frequency for wayback wednesday.... friday night was sick - hit up the casino and cashed in a little..... had this whole HEAT WAVE the entire week which got me extra tanned!!!! Now im filming my video and getting ready for a solid week of more HEAT, partying, tanning, gymming, boozing, and chaying!!!
There really was only 1 bro of the week i could think of and not to many of you will know this bro - in fact, only two people will understand this..... The bro of the week this week, was definitely Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm Guy from Club Frequency. So this entire post is going to be about wacky wavy inflatable arm guys!!!! Hooray!
1) Wacky Wavy Inflatable Arm Guy from Club Frequency-
Wednesday nite - at club frequency, gettin the party on and then we see it - out of the corner of our eye, the dude dressed in all blue just flailing his arms in the air and going absolutely mental. No he did not give a shit what he looked like. He did not care if he hit anyone with those wacky waving inflatable arms of his. No he did not care if there was a beautiful baby looking his direction. All this man wanted to do was wave his wacky wavy inflatable arms everywhere and just go crazy. His dance moves were one of the highlights of the last 18 years. I have never seen anything so fascinating. Girls would walk up to him and he wouldnt even flinch. He'd continue waving those wacky inflatable arms in all directions and going mental. There were no drinks in his hands. Just arms that were flailing everywhere. For not giving a shit about anything other than waving around those wacky waving inflatable tubemen arms, that bro is definitely this weeks bro of the week!!!
If you wanna see what his dancing looked like, check out this vid!
And for the record, if you do not know what a wacky waving inflatable arm tube man is, well urban dictionary defines it as A more common name for the advertising device that is also known as an Airdancer. It is a plastic humanoid shaped hollow 'bag' that when supplied with an air flow inflates and appears to flail around. Uses include: Attract Customers to your business. Make a splash at your next presentation. Keep grandma company. Protect your crops. Confuse your neighbours. African American? Hail a cab. Testify at church. Or just raise the roof.
"Thanks to a shipping error I am now currently overstocked on wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men, and I am passing the savings on to you!!"
Thursday, July 8, 2010
How Long is too long for a bro to be playing the field when looking for a job?
This article was the cover story on the New York Times yesterday . It reminds me of what I am going through right now right down to the T. It is crazy how us 18-29 year olds are looking for that perfect job and turning down opportunities that present themselves because they are not "perfect" right now.....It's a little bit long but I really enjoyed this read and felt I was reading about my own life when I heard this guy's story. Check it out!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Whos Excited for Jersey Shore Season 2
Ok - I know everyone either loved season 1 or hated season 1 but EVERYBODY watched season 1. It didnt matter if you watched it to stay up to date with the guidos and guidettes or just laugh your ass off but Jersey Shore was such an amazing show and is back for season 2 July 29th..... It might be a little bit scripted this year but based on the trailer it looks fucking off the chain and drama filled.... currently, amazon.com is the only place that sells season 1 on dvd and you can get an uncensored version which is pretty cool (watch snooki get smoked in the face again) but season 1s release date everywhere is July 20th. Check out the trailer for season 2 and lemme know what you think!
Alright - theres always parodies of these people and usually theyre pretty shitty but this one is actually one of the funniest ive seen!!!!
anyways, cant wait for season 2!!! july 29th... talk to me about it!
Bro of the week for canada day/ 4th of july weekend!
Heyyyyyyyyyyyooooo!!!!! Nothing says solid week like a 5 day weekend!! You feel me? There were so many candidates for bro of the week considering the fact that we went on a BROCATION this weekend to ottawa and to a cottage... many epic tails, many epic fails, many jokes and stories that are gonna stick with us forever.... such a solid time shooting the shit with the boys and causing madness in the streets..... so without having to wait any longer - lets get to those bros of the week!!!
Joey Chestnut - JJJJJJJJJOEEEYYYYY aka jaws repped the usa hard this weekend at coney island in the nathans annual hot dog eating challenge. joey has now won this event four years in a row and is a true american icon! Although he was unable to top his personal best (probably because Kobayashi was not participating, even tho he did make an appearance and get arrested), he still won the event by nine hot dogs!!! Joey Chestnut is now only 2 mustard belts shy of catching up to Kobayashi who got 6 in a row from 2001 to 2006.... Keep on eating Joey!
Miles Austin - what happens when you date a Kardashian? If you answered you get AIDS, you are incorrect. The correct answer is your team wins a championship. Just ask Lamar Odom or Reggie Bush..... Miles austin is now dating Kim Kardashian - my money is definitely on the cowboys to win the super bowl this year.... besides winning a championship hell also get to take this slampiece to pound town every nite
3) Nicholas Finn - what a gracious host to the broventures this week.... he drove a fuckin boat to this weekend... how can he not win bro of the week by driving a boat?!?! ok and he also made me giggle like a little school girl when i was overbaked on canada day (no homo).


Miles Austin - what happens when you date a Kardashian? If you answered you get AIDS, you are incorrect. The correct answer is your team wins a championship. Just ask Lamar Odom or Reggie Bush..... Miles austin is now dating Kim Kardashian - my money is definitely on the cowboys to win the super bowl this year.... besides winning a championship hell also get to take this slampiece to pound town every nite
3) Nicholas Finn - what a gracious host to the broventures this week.... he drove a fuckin boat to this weekend... how can he not win bro of the week by driving a boat?!?! ok and he also made me giggle like a little school girl when i was overbaked on canada day (no homo).
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