Welcome to the Bone-zone!

Welcome to the Bone-zone!
"Damn it feels good to be a gangster!"

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Want to get someone else to dump your partner for 10 bucks?

Ok. We all know getting dumped by your loved one is one of the worst experiences you can have in your lifetime. How much worse would it be to know that your partner paid someone $10 to dump you over the phone, record it, and allow thousands of people to watch it over the internet. Welcome to idump4u.com. Bradley, from idump4u.com, will call your boyfriend or girlfriend and explain to him the reasons why you dumped them and guide them through their next few steps.

Now, it is kind of funny listening to these people's lives getting ruined, but at the same time, you have to feel for them. That is probably one of the most insulting things someone can do is have someone else end a relationship for them.

Check out idump4u.com to see some of these phone calls.

Check this break up phone call out from the site.

German Company Develops a Vagina Scent

Wow! Taking things a wee bit too far I think. This German company developed a scent that smells like vagina and called it "Vulva Original". The head of the company Guido Lenssen (mega props on that first name), said that to make the scent they combined urine, sweat, and female arousal from women of all ages. The marketing campaign is even more effed! Talk about being a friggin creeper! Now creepy dudes don't have to sniff where a girl just sat - instead they can just take a few whiffs of Vulva Original! Check out how creepy this is.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BEER PONG! The Game of Champions!

Probably one of my biggest passions right now is beer pong or beirut. I just get excited thinking about it – sinking that winning shot, going on a huge winning streak, carrying my partner on my back, having my partner carry me through games, ending other people’s winning streaks – I love it all and wish it were my job. There are a lot of controversies with the game and a lot of people are against it, but the fact of the matter is, it is by far one of the more fun drinking games around for people of all ages and its popularity is rising rapidly.

What is Beer Pong and how was it invented?

In a nutshell, the game has two teams on opposite sides of a table and each team has a certain amount of cups. The whole idea of the game is to sink ping pong balls into your opponent’s cups before they sink the balls in your cups. Whoever sinks all the cups first is declared the winner. Most people knew that. If you didn’t, well now you know. What I didn’t know is where they got the name from or how the game got started. There are so many different groups of people that claim to have invented the game but the one I’d like to believe is the story about the Theta Delta Chi fraternity from Lehigh University. In 1983, members of the frat began playing beer pong with ping pong paddles (2 cups) but broke all of their paddles. Afterwards, the frat brothers began lobbing the balls from one end of the table to the other trying to sink the balls in cups. Several cups were added, everyone enjoyed the game and tournaments were organized and it began spreading to other campuses.

The name “Beirut” stems from the capital city in Lebanon. The members of the frat were interested in foreign-policy and Hezbollah had committed a suicide bombing that killed 241 Americans in Beirut. Balls flying across the table in “Beirut” and landing on the opposition’s side and making a splash in the cup was seen as the US bombing Beirut in retaliation for the casualties.

Beer Pong Today

Today, beer pong is played on college campuses and in bars, and is most popular in North America. Five years ago, something called the World Series of Beer Pong (WSOBP) was created and held at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. Originally 80 teams competed and the top prize was $10,000 and the title of best beer pong team in the world. Today, in year 5, the top prize is now $50,000 and there are over 800 participants. Here is the trailer for the 2010 WSOBP.

The game is gaining such popularity that it is being featured in magazines such as Time and Maxim, as well as on mega network broadcasting stations such as CNN, ESPN, NBC, and FOX. Jay Leno put a team in the WSOBP V tournament this year in Vegas and since then, he has been doing a weekly segment he calls “The Beer Pong Shot of the Week.”

Jimmy Fallon also does a segment on beer pong in his show “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” where he challenges other celebrities to a game of beer pong on the show. The video below is of him playing beer pong verse Betty White (sorry I couldn’t find the Anna Kournikova video).

Betty White Plays Beer Pong

He’s really bad!

This video below was a feature on Time’s website and there was an article published in August of 2008 talking about the growing popularity of the game. In this video, the two time defending WSOBP champs give their thoughts on the game and whether or not they think beer pong is a sport.

Time Video on Beer Pong

My favorite part is that “the people that excel in this sport are all athletes.” Don’t be discouraged if you are not an athlete though! The game is so much fun and the best part is if you don’t win the game, you still win because you get to drink! This blurb was in Time Magazine: ”For some beer pongers, the appeal is the thrill of competition. "I like to beat people," says Chris Clark, 22, who plays on Team Premier, a group of the six best players at the Hangout. "When I come here, I win pretty much 75% of the time, and it's 100 bucks in my pocket." For others, beer pong is a social tool. "You can go into a party where you don't know anyone and just jump into a game, and by the end of it, you know everyone," says student Kristin Catlin, 22. In college, beer pong's acculturative role makes it just like any other team sport, says Gaines: "It is kind of the same thing as swimming." Except, you know, for the hangovers.”

I remember in like the early 2000’s when poker began taking off and people began to quit their jobs to just play poker! We are starting to see that with beer pong! These people make an average of $15,000 a month! Playing a drinking game! CNBC wrote an article talking about how people can in fact quit their jobs and play beer pong due to the amount of money tournaments offer the winners. The great thing I’ve learned about the beer pong tournaments is that “At the World Series, you have your typical frat guy, but you also have accountants, you have lawyers, you have people who don’t know what they want to do with their lives yet.” The game is for everyone and it grows by the day. This video below shows that you don’t have to be in your 20s to play beer pong.

Look at the excitement on her face!

Because of the growing popularity, people are trying so hard to be the best at this game and just like in basketball there is the NBA and And1 or street ball, in beer pong there is also the WSOBP and trick pong. Check out this vid of trick pong! Pretty sick!

The New Beer Pong Industry

Since beer pong has taken off so much in the past few years, people are making a living off of the game – not necessarily playing it – but creating products related to the game. Spencer Gifts is one of the most notable shops to get WSOBP merchandise including official tables, balls, cups, and shirts. BPONG.com is the official store to buy pong products from. Bing Bong Inc is the most notable company that sells customized beer tables that are very unique. Even though all these sites sell beer pong tables, that doesn’t mean that people can’t be creative and make their own tables. Many people have ventured out and have made some really awesome and unique tables that will blow your mind! Here is a site showing some of the most bad ass beer pong tables!
Students at Northwestern University hated having to clean up spilled beer all over their floor and table from cups spilling everywhere so they invented a triangular rubber mat that keeps cups in place so they don't spill over. Their products are now being sold at www.drinkingstuff.com.

Probably the best exposure for beer pong is the two recent movies that have come out regarding the game: "Road Trip 2: Beer Pong" and a documentary titled "The Last Cup" that was seen at many international film festivals in 2009. The documentary follows four competitors in the first WSOBP around as they compete for $20,000 and the title of WSOBP champion. Here is the trailer for the movie.

I am actually really intrigued and really, really want to see this movie!

I still cannot believe how much this game is growing and this video completely blew my mind! They are now making a beer pong video game for the Nintendo Wii! The game is part of something called “Frat Party Games” and the way it’s set up allows you to pick where you play (either someone’s basement or a bar, most likely places to play pong) and it’s really realistic in the sense that there are posters on the walls in the basement, and people watching. You get to pick the table and the player (which are totally people who would be playing beer pong). Only problem is it got a lot of bad reviews and it is unrealistic (besides the drinking part). The game was featured in Time Magazine in August 2008.

Variations of the Game

Slam Pong- this game could get you drunk quick. Each team has two cups placed far apart from each other. You need ping pong paddles. You combine ping pong and volleyball. If you hit your opponent’s cup, you get one point. If you sink it in their cup, you get two points. If you slam the ball down and knock over your opponent’s cup you get five points. Games are usually to 5 points. Drink each time the ball hits a cup.

Assassin Pong- same rules as basic beer pong except you need to call each shot. So if you are aiming for the front cup and hit a back cup, nothing happens.

Civil War Pong- this game has the same objective as beer pong except there are three players on each team. Each person has six cups in front of them. When one of your cups get sunk, you have to drink it. Each team doesn’t take turns shooting. It is a mad scramble. So if a team shoots, they can run and get the ball quickly and come back and shoot again. If an individual’s six cups are done, they cannot shoot any more but they can pass the balls to their teammates. Once all 18 cups on one side are gone, the other team is declared the winner.

Flip Pong- a mix of flip cup and beer pong. Teams of two lineup on opposite sides of a table and set up four cups in a straight line. Each team has one ball. First person shoots at their partner’s cups. If they sink it, the partner has to drink the cup and flip it. The partner then shoots and the teammates go back and forth. Once one partner has sunk all the cups, the other partner must keep shooting until all of the teammate’s cups are sunk and the last cup is flipped. First team with all cups flipped is the winner.

Negatives of Beer Pong

Because people are sharing cups, beer pong has been linked to the spread of the flu, mononucelosis, and herpes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually got involved and did a study on the problems with beer pong and found that herpes was up 230% in 2008 over 2007 among 17-21 year olds! (as if they did that study!) A really funny spoof of the study can be found here.

Discard cups after every use, reusing cups can compromise their protective integrity.
Get tested regularly.
Stacking cups can spread the risk of transmission of HSV.
Beirut is not a safer alternative to beer pong.
Remember! Alcohol may impair the ability to practice pong safely!


Beer pong tournaments are the highlights of my weekend (besides chaying)! I love the excitement from drinking and playing a competitive game or sport. I have run some amazing tournaments in the past and want to share tips on how to make them run smoothly.

1) Best to get kegs – each keg has the equivalent to 168 beers in it. Each beer pong game requires 4 beers (2 per team) which means you can get 42 games out of each keg (assuming no side drinking). If you know you are going to have more people, figure out the approximate number of games you are going to have to determine the number of kegs you need.

2) Round robin or elimination? – it is very easy to do elimination tournaments but people may complain that they don’t get enough playing time. If you have time to preplan a tournament, get teams to register and you can create a round robin before the tournament starts.

3) Have a wingman or wingwoman helping you during the tournament – being a tournament coordinator can get tough so it’s always good to have someone helping you.

4) Define the house rules before you start playing – gather everyone up and explain the rules of the game so there are less controversies. Drunk people are going to want to argue but as the organizer you need to prevent this as much as possible to ensure everyone has a good time.

Pong Pictures

Check out these pics from past pong tourneys!

I love this game so much and want to play it all the time! The game is such a growing phenomenon and the scary part is that it is going to continue to grow for years to come! The truth is, beer pong is a sport. It just happens to involve alcohol.

Monday, March 29, 2010

9 types of bathrooms a bro should never use

WOW! This article hit me! As a guy that has a fear of public restrooms, this is definitely a list of places you'd never see me in the bathroom. For those that don't want to read the article, the nine places are:
8) Concert Hall
7) Gym
6) Public library
5) Nature - probably why i am scared to go camping
4) Airplane
3) Fast food restaurant
2) Sports stadium
1) Port-o-Potty-ewwwww

I would definitely add girlfriend's house to that list. I'd probably be more likely to ring the neighbours doorbell and ask to take a shit in their house then going here. All I can think of is watching Along Came Polly with Ben Stiller dropping a deuce at his girl's place and the toilet overflowing. Let me know your thoughts. What other places would you add to this?

What the EFF is Passover?

OK so let's be serious. I am fucking sauced right now and just finished my first passover seder in a few years. It was awesome to see the family, get bamboozled together, and learn a little bit about my culture that I have definitely not paid attention to lately. But as I was sitting down at my seder (and listening to what was being said), I still had questions as to why we celebrate this holiday. I really had no idea. I think it hit me when I posted on facebook that I wanted to play beer pong tonight and someone was like you can't drink beer over passover and I was thinking to myself why the fuck not.

I decided to do some research and find out what passover really was all about, besides the getting sloshed part and having my family explain to my dad what a vulva is (true story). So this site told me that passover is an eight day holiday that celebrates the Jewish people escaping slavery in Egypt from the Pharoah. It's all about Moses demanding to the Pharoah to let his people go or else the Egyptians would suffer the wrath of God. While the Jews were trying to escape Egypt they came to a body of water and it is said that Moses was able to split the sea and lead his people and then close it when the Egyptians enter and the Jews were safe. We eat matzah because when it was time to leave Egypt, we had to do it so fast that there was not enough time to let the bread leaven.

So now today, if you find yourself sitting at a passover table for the first time or don't remember what it's like to go to a Jewish gala, read this article here called What you can expect at the passover seder. The five things it discusses are so true (as I relearned tonight). As a Jew(ish) person, I really don't know too much about what happens at the seder but I try my best to follow along (especially with the drink count) and highly recommend you try too. My family is good because a lot of the stuff that is read we do in English so everyone can read along and jump in - it also makes sure no one feels left out. Watch out for passover food because truthfully, not everyone will like it (in fact some people may hate it). But the fact is that Jews love their food sooo much that their is going to be a lot of force-feeding and you may be forced to eat food that you don't really want to. My favorite part of this article was item #5 which states "wear something loose." There is going to be sooo much food that you will probably put on 8 pounds at a passover seder with food that is going to sit in your stomach.

Truthfully, enjoy the holiday. If you aren't going to eat a lot, make sure you drink a lot and enjoy the times! It is a really fun holiday and try to make the most of it with your family and friends!

The Five People You'll Meet on Spring Break

The Five People You’ll Meet on Spring Break

Hah so I know spring break just passed for Americans but this article is soooo true. There are five people that you are guaranteed to meet when partying over spring break. Obviouslyyyy I am Fratty McFistPump. See if you can label yourself as one of these five people.

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My Next TV Show

OK - so by now, everyone should know I definitely fit into the category of a douchebag based on what I wear and how I act. Yeah, Yeah - I'm not really a douchebag but that's probably the group I get associated with cause of my addiction to Ed Hardy clothing, getting yak at the gym, being super chay, rocking a faux hawk and blowout (at the same time), and love watching Jersey Shore reruns and feel I'd fit right in in Jersey or Staten Island.

MTV's had this show that is made for me called "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" and it is based on the Hot Chicks With Douchebags blog. This blog is really funny showcasing all Ed Hardy sporting bros with hot girls and providing commentary on how dumb my bros look. People just go to this blog and post comments that RIP into these douchebags and the hot girls that douchebags get to date. Take a look and you'll get a good laugh.

But after finding out about this show, I am very intrigued and am definitely going to have to tune in and catch up on it. Season 1 is now complete but apparently I will add some vocab to my douchebag dictionary after watching.

Here is one question posed to the creator of the show (who hates Ed Hardy wearing, faux hawked, tanned bros who get with hot girls) and his reply:

Other than the fauxs and the muscles and orange-glow tan, what is it that first attracts these girls to these douchebags? Why don't they listen to their BFFs who all hate them?

It's all about the spectacle. Girls are taught by TV and magazines that the only way they can validate their own worth is by acquiring the shiny, glittery object. The douchebag transforms himself into the shiny spectacle to appeal to the hot girl's name-brand tendencies. Douchebags are to our present moment like Ferraris and Porsches were to teenagers in the 1980s John Hughes movies. They validate existence. They are society's "prize." Only the prize turns out to be a turd once you unwrap all the name-brand wrapping.

Oh boy, did I get a good laugh. Glad to know I am seen as "society's prize". I am definitely tuning in and will let you know if I still am a douchebag after seeing these bros get destroyed by the girls that they played.

This is one guy ripping into douchebags on youtube and explaining hot chicks with douchebags:

Here's a trailer of the show on MTV.

Mint Song

So this was so random that I came across this. The last few days I have been singing that song from the Lion King when Rafiki raises Simba over his head and then I was on a site and they were advertising this new Lion King song. I heard it and watched the vid and it was pretty dope. Hopefully you enjoy it!

A letter to leave a girl after a one-night stand

So. What do you do when you wake up in a bed that isn't yours and there is a girl you have no intentions of ever seeing again lying next to you? Well, you could sneak out hoping she doesn't wake up asking to go for breakfast or coffee. You could wake her up and see if she's willing to give it one more go. What about leaving her a beautiful memorandum? That is definitely the best option. I found this premade note and it definitely gave me a good chuckle. Here it is. Enjoy.

Dear _______________,

I'm leaving you this memorandum because I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together last evening. But although we shared a few laughs, exchanged pleasantries, and really got to know the best parts about each other -- my sharps wit, your superfluous tits -- you should know that unless you run into me in public, we will probably never speak again.

In any event, I wanted to thank you for the hours of emotionless sex; your vagina was truly a gracious host. I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for vomiting on your stomach during orgasm; I've always had a trigger-happy gag reflex and sometimes it gets the best of me (if that didn't happen, consider yourself the lucky exception). There is a strong chance that neither of us remembers much of what occurred when we got back to your place and, quite frankly, I was probably blacked out for most of the sex. But later, when I notify my friends about how I railed you without mercy, I will mention that I not only made you believe in God, but that you will probably now require a prosthetic limb because of how hard I fucked you.

Based on my prior sexual history and most notably the lack of any latex scent on my genitalia, it is a good assumption that we failed to use any form of contraception. I suppose I am at fault for that, but just for the record, you should know that I always keep one condom with me. I generally just carry it for luck -- like a rabbit's foot -- because I'm very superstitious. That being said, if you're not either on the pill or have not been rendered completely infertile (because you lived next to a toxic waste dump during your childhood), I would strongly recommend that you please use the $10 I left next to this note toward the purchase of the morning after pill. I realize the pill is $50, but based on the amount of drinks and shots I bought you last evening, I feel that fiscally I am only one-fifth responsible for your poor decisions. If you do not need to purchase the morning after pill because you already have the whole "not conceiving a child thing" under control, please donate the money to a charity of your choice. No need to thank me for the tax write-off.

After reading that last paragraph, you are probably thinking that you may have contracted an STD during the course of our sexual escapades; well, rest assured that is not the case. All of the girls I have slept with that I have spoken to again (a category you will not fall under) have all been tested and they are clean. The news of their negative results, therefore, must mean that I too am clean. That is good old-fashioned common sense.

In closing, I think our fluid exchange this past evening went quite swimmingly, and should we bump into each other in public, it is now understood that you will not give me any grief about not calling you, nor will you have the audacity to call me an "asshole" or any other unpleasant name. After all, would an asshole leave you $10 and a kindhearted note to ensure your peace of mind? I don't think so.

With Lust,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Snuggie Sutra!!!!!

Man, how much do you hate those stupid snuggie commercials? Everytime I see that stupid commercial i want to throw my remote at the TV really, really hard and break it and hope I hit that girl on the couch in the face with it... In case you dont know what commercial I am talking about, watch below.

I am sure everyone knows about kama sutra too.... What happens when you combine the art of kama sutra and the ultra soft, ultra warm Snuggie? You get Snuggie Sutra! The website below comes up with several sexual positions using the Snuggie.... it's great for people of all ages! In this day of high oil prices, you can turn your thermostat way down and you and your partner will not lose a bit of heat! My personal favorite you ask? Definitely "The Night In"....

Snuggie Sutra hasn't really taken off yet but there is some advertising on social media sites. If you want to become a fan of Snuggie Sutra on Facebook, you can by clicking here

What is CHAYING?


This is the article of the century for all bros. Click the link to see a video that will truly help you understand what it means to be a bro. CHAYING

Alright, straight up, chaying is the fundamental purpose of all bros. There is a GIANT difference between "chaying" and "chilling" even though chaying is derived from chilling. However, the big difference between the two is chilling involves sitting back and waiting for good times to happen whereas chaying is going out and making shit happen without trying too hard. Chaying requires every ounce of passion, heart, and soul that one can exert.

According to brobible, a truly sacred site for all bros that I highly recommend to any bro whoever needs assistance from fellow bros, chaying is "the perpetual search for the next buzz. In its most basic form, chaying is trying your hardest to get more blacked out than the next bro and in doing so, creating a atmosphere of alcohol jubilation and rehab-worthy activities." Based on this, it might sound like chaying can simply be put as "drinking aggressively". However, this is not the case. When drinking aggressively, the goal is to drink a lot, laugh a lot, and land a hot babe at the end of the night (in that order). With chaying, there is no real order for activities. Things just sort of happen based on you being so "chay" and not really caring (since the whole point of chaying is to get black out drunk). When you are chaying, no matter what the activity is, you let yourself go and do anything and everything that is required of you to ensure your own happiness and the happiness of those around you.

There are items called "chaying enhancers". Chaying enhancers are as they sound; items that will enhance your chayness. Biggest chaying enhancer is definitely alcohol but they could be anything ranging from drugs to a basketball to a hot chick. Anything could help enhance the "chay".

"A true chayer, no matter what the circumstances are, never passes up a shotgun, funnel, keg stand, or any other activity that may enhance merrymaking and glee."

Now I hope everyone has a much better understanding of what chaying is and that you have learned something very important. I hope to see all of my bros out there chaying and having the times of their life.

Peace and bro-love

Some more solid vids

This was such an interesting read and a good story too. I like learning new myths from different cultures and enjoyed reading this one.

Hah Oh I miss college a lot and I definitely have done some of these and would consider doing several more of them if given the opportunity again. Make the most of your college days cause tehy will come to an end soon!

Some more solid vids

Be Careful What You Post on your Facebook Status Updates!

I am a big time facebook user and spend a lot of hours on there updating my statuses and adding people that request to be my friend. I watched this video below and learned that this family posted that they were not going to be home on facebook and one of the people that they added as a friend (without knowing) was the person that broke into their house!

Now, I don't live alone but I have lived alone in the past and will probably live alone in the near future and this actually gave me a little bit of a scare knowing that I have added people that I probably shouldn't have.

My recommendation: drop any people you don't know on facebook. Yeah, it's pretty cool to have a high friend count, but at what cost?

Why Can't Guys Stop Thinking About Girls and Sex?

I recently read this article from CNN entitled "Love, sex, and the male brain" that was written by Dr. Louann Brizendine who is the author of "The Female Brain" and "The Male Brain" and is a member of the National Board of Medical Examiners and is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Califronia, San Francisco.

I've recently taken an interest in reading articles I find appealing and although this article was a bit long, I was intrigued and continued to push on.

To read the article click here

Guys, you may be in luck and can finally have a reply to your girl when she says to you "why are you staring at that woman?" It is in our male DNA to "defend our turf" against any potential threats to us. The sexual pursuit area part of the brain is 2.5 times larger in a male's brain than in a female's brain. Testosterone also increases by 20 to 25 times when a man goes through puberty.

The article said "If testosterone were beer, a 9-year-old boy would be getting the equivalent of a cup a day. But a 15-year-old would be getting the equivalent of nearly two gallons a day. This fuels their sexual engines and makes it impossible for them to stop thinking about female body parts and sex."

Don't know how well this will work for you guys but when you get a caught staring at another girl, just know that it is nearly impossible to avoid it because our visual brain circuits are always on the lookout for potential mates, even if we already have the perfect mate right in front of us. I don't know if this is good news for either party, but this scoping out of the lady stage lasts only a few seconds.

Ladies, I can't believe that this part is true but if you are pregnant, you emit pheromones that will get into your man's nostrils and reduce testosterone by 30%, which makes a man more sensitive and prepared for fatherhood.

It might be hard for ladies to prevent their man from staring at other women but at least try to ignore it! He has you and he should be happy! Dr. Brizendine sums it up best: "The best advice I have for women is make peace with the male brain. Let men be men."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Dammmmmn! YOu a SEXY BITCH!

Ok so I was mega bored on my mega long drive to montreal and figured this was soooo necessary, yet stupid. Check out my awesome left handed fist pumping, while trying to drive my baby beamer on the 401.... PS this is how I always sing when I am alone in a car....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New way of looking at the blog

Hello friends, followers, coworkers, family, and friends (yes i said friends twice because there are too many to count),

I would like to take this opportunity to say that I have been spending a lot of time on new sites that I never thought I would like before and have taken a great interest in reading articles. I am still going to create vlogs for my people but I would also like to share some insight with you at times and keep you busy. I don't know why but I just feel I need to share these articles with you that I see.

One Is the Awesomest Number -- 5 Reasons Why Living Alone Rules - I lived by myself for two years and now live at home. I miss it so much. Thinking about it brings back such memories - best times of my life. Here is an article discussing reasons why living alone is so steak sauce. I feel so unbro living at home with mom and dad but I do what I gotta do to survive.

http://shechive.com/2010/03/08/dating-guide-from-1938-13-photos/ Damn I wish dating was similar to back then. This was too funny and gave me a chuckle.

The 5 Texts You Just Can’t Delete - hah sooooo true and yet sooo funny.